Available simulation modalities

Standardized Patients

The Standardized Patient (SP) Program within the Kado Clinical Skills Center provides hands-on training and assessment in physical exam skills, communication, and patient-centered care. This program trains lay people to present specific medical ailments and medical histories for the purposes of teaching and testing medical students, residents, fellows, and other health professionals.

The success of this program is built upon a commitment to excellence and a rigorous approach to recruitment and training of SPs. The SP program is integrated into all four years of medical school education as well as resident training for internal medicine, surgery, emergency medicine, pediatric, neurology, and multiple subspecialty trainees from over seven different hospital systems.

High-Fidelity Mannequin Simulation

Wayne State University has been engaged in high fidelity simulation for over a decade. Our medical students participate in simulation during their clerkship rotations. We have also trained residents in the follow specialties: anesthesia, critical care, emergency medicine, pediatric emergency medicine internal medicine and pediatric dentistry. The director of simulation, Trifun Dimitrijevski, MD, works with faculty instructors to develop curriculum that is appropriate for the learner's interests and level of experience. Within a single encounter learners work as a team to take a history, obtain a differential diagnosis, and provide appropriate clinical management for their patient.

Our faculty and staff strive to provide a psychologically safe environment where our learners can be trained on all core competencies using evidenced-based practice in a realistic learning environment. Faculty facilitated peer-debriefing follows each encounter where learners are encouraged to develop self-debriefing techniques in an effort to foster lifelong learning practices. Faculty and learners are able to review the encounter immediately by reviewing the session recording complete with audio. Below you will find a list of our high fidelity mannequins.

Available mannequins:

  • CAE Healthcare (formerly METI, Inc.)
  • Human Patient Simulator (HPS)
  • Emergency Care Simulator (ECS)
  • Pediatric Emergency Care Simulator (PECS)
  • Laerdal SimBaby
  • CAE Luncina
  • Childbirth Simulator
  • UMedic Harvey Cardiopulmonary Simulator

Procedures Training

Available equipment:

  • CAE Healthcare (formerly Blue Phantom)
  • Central venous catheter trainer (ultrasound compatible)
  • Thoracentesis trainer (ultrasound compatible)
  • Paracentesis trainer (ultrasound compatible)
  • Kyoto Kagaku
  • Lumbar puncture trainer
  • Limbs & Things
  • Arthrocentesis of the knee trainer
  • Nasco
  • Advanced Injection Arm

Surgical Skills Training

Available equipment:

  • CAE Healthcare (formerly METI, Inc.)
  • LAPSim with haptic feedback
  • Fundamentals of Laparascopic Surgery (FLS) Trainers